2013 Ford Transit Connect Blocked DPF

Ford Transit DPF Blocked

2013 Ford Transit Connect

This van came from the same company that had a van in last week with a blocked DPF.
The owners wanted us to check the fleet out for potential DPF problem.

Excellent idea! Why wait until the DPF is blocked

Although this van had no warning lights on or any running problems that they were aware of we found a stored code for DPF below temperature during regen which meant further test and a faulty part was found.

We also found a dangerously high oil level and a blocked air filter 2 thing that will lead to a blocked DPF.

Faults will now be rectified and a tin of JLM extreme clean will be added to the tank to keep that DPF in a healthy condition.

To have your DPF health check carried out give us a call before it’s too late. £75+vat spent now will save you money in the long run