Nishan Qashqai DPF Fix

Here we have a Nissan Qashqai that had a blocked DPF. The Qashqai 1.5 DCI was recovered into us by a local garage as the DPF was so badly blocked that it wouldn’t run! The DPF blockage had been caused by a boost leak that the garage had repaired and we knew that this one would be a tricky one to get clean. With the blockage being so severe, it meant that it was beyond cleaning with our on vehicle system 14915158_1799937006960490_6235596254504797253_nbut we were able to revive it with our off vehicle cleaning system. The car is now back to full health and back on the road saving the customer a four figure sum compared to the price of a new DPF! If you are having DPF problem then trust the professionals and call your nearest DPF Doctor agent now.